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7 Basic Hip Opening Yoga Poses To Unlock The Tight Hips

Want To Unlock Tight Hips?

Hip openers are an essential part of a strong and balanced yoga practice. While Hip Opening Yoga poses have many great benefits. These yoga poses are not only great for physical well-being but also encourage emotional release and stress relief. If we follow some basic practice tips, we can conquer these challenging poses and reap all of their amazing benefits.

What Are Hip Opening Yoga Poses?

A Hip Opening pose is a yoga posture that stretches the muscles around the hip joint and pelvis, including the buttocks, hamstrings, inner thighs, groin, and abdomen. Nowadays a lot of people are facing problems related to hip muscles and lower back pain by sitting at a desk all day. By practicing and stretching daily we can strengthen these muscles, it will be easier to move more freely and comfortably during practice, as well as have more mobility and range of motion in daily life.

The Benefits Of Doing Hip Opening Yoga Postures

  • Hip opening is vital for any yoga practice.
  • Hip-opening yoga poses improve circulation, flexibility, and range of movement in the hips, legs, and back.
  • Hip openers are also beneficial for improving posture, strengthening balance, reducing stress, and promoting mental health and overall wellness.
  • Hip openers reduce the risk of injury, especially in the lower back, by improving flexibility.
  • They are an excellent complement to other forms of exercise, such as running, cycling, dance, and aerobics.
  • A good amount of hip flexibility is required for proper alignment to perform many advanced yoga postures.

Hip Opening Yoga Poses To Unlock Tight Hips


Low Lunge: Align the front knee over your ankle, and slide the other knee back. Sink your hips down.


Garland Pose: Tall spine, reach your head to the sky, and press your elbows into your inner thighs.


Frog Pose: Hips in line with knees, not sliding forward or back, turn your feet out to the side and flex your ankles, and place a blanket under the knees for cushioning.


Happy Baby: Grip the outsides of your feet with your hands, open your knees wide, and bring your knees toward your armpits.


Dragon Pose: From the tabletop, step one foot to the front, slide your back knee backward as far as you can, and place both hands inside the front foot, for more depth, come down on the forearms.


Butterfly Pose: Bring your feet together and sit down on your hips. Keep your back straight your shoulders back core tight and press your knees down to the floor.


Goddess Pose: Open your legs 3 – 4 feet apart, toe facing out heels facing each other bend your knees, knee, and ankle should be in line, sink your buttock towards the floor, and joint your palm.

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